Love your Body

We go through each day eating three to five meals a day, not realizing that eating and breathing are the two most consistent things we do in our daily lives.  Metro manila ranked as one of the cities in the world with the worst air quality index. Also with all the garbages we saw floating on the river brought a toxic effect on people.  Just by breathing this air daily, three to five percent of the oxygen we take in is converted to free radicals in our blood.  What are free radicals?  Free radicals are unstable molecules that can cause  membrane damage and, if not neutralized, can cause cancer.  Antioxidants neutralize free radical formation, which accounts for its anti-cancer and immune-boosting benefits.  Living amidst pollution certainly doesnt help our immune system. Some of the illnesses being acquired are the respiratory tract diseases namely:  post nasal drip, cough, colds. tonsilitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, ashtma and allergies.  Eating lots of processed foods is not good since it stripped off their natural endowed healing qualities.  As individuals, we cant do much to change the air we breathe but we can certainly help our immune system in defending us by our choice of food to nourish our bodies with.  By being aware of our choices, or the lack of it, we can tailor our nutrition and that of our family's to favor that which will stave off dreadful health problems besetting our society today.  Remember: We are what we eat! so take extra care with your body.


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