Health Tips for Student's Success
Don’t Wait Until You’re Sick to Take Care of Yourself!
1. EAT BREAKFAST. Whether you’re rolling out of bed at noon or up at the crack of dawn
for class, make sure you start your day off with a healthy meal to give you energy and help you
concentrate on your school work and not your growling stomach.
2. TRY TO EAT HEALTHY. Even if fruits and vegetables aren’t your favorite foods, try to
incorporate at least a few of them into your diet each day AND limit the amount of junk food
you eat. Sugary foods may taste yummy, but can leave you feeling sluggish.
3. WORK IN WALKING. Make walking your main form of transportation on campus. There’s
no better way to work exercise into a busy schedule than walking at a brisk pace around
4. RELIEVE STRESS THROUGH EXERCISE. Spend some time at the Recreation and Wellness
Center. It’s free for ODU students. Regular exercise can help with stress reduction. Find an
activity that you like or take a group fitness class.
5. GET A FLU SHOT. Getting the flu in college can really set you back. Avoid the fever,
aches, fatigue and cough associated with the flu. Student Health offers flu shots at low cost to
all ODU students.
thermometer, Tylenol, a decongestant and cough syrup will help you to take care of yourself if
you get a cold. Some antibiotic ointment (like bacitracin) and some bandaids will be helpful for
minor cuts. It’s also important to remember to wash your hands – studies have shown that
simple hand washing can help prevent a large number of illnesses.
7. ALCOHOL & GPA DO NOT MIX. Studies have shown that as alcohol consumption
increases, GPA decreases. Don’t risk your academic success by consuming alcohol irresponsibly.
8. GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Without sleep, you’re not going to be able to concentrate well
enough to get the most out of your classes.
9. GET TESTED. Know your status for sexually transmitted infections by getting tested.
Practice safe sex by using protection correctly and consistently. Condoms are sold at the health
center for a small fee and each time you visit the lobby you can pick-up 3 condoms for free! STI
testing is also available at Student Health Services.
10. STUDENT HEALTH SERVICES IS HERE FOR YOU! If you have a health concern, schedule an
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