True Meaning of Beauty
As they say, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder". A true beauty is not deceptive nor full of pretenses, it just comes out naturally... simply radiates from within. Others have different views as far as being beautiful is concern, some based it on glamour, elegance, poised, charm etc...but for those who doesnt only look on the physical aspect consider beauty as not only superficial but most of all spiritually grounded. As long as you have a good heart, everything follows. It is only natural to be vain sometimes not to the extent of going all the way to change the image that God has given offense to those who have engaged their selves into surgical operation...its their right though what to do with their lives but as far as my opinion is concerned, hoping that let's just stick to what we already have and from there, enhanced it in a natural way. Who wouldn't want to be beautiful? of course the answer would be unanimous. That everyone of us wants to be beautiful, we even go beyond experimenting things on every beauty products we found in the market and also eager to try out any way just to acquire that certain beauty. The concept of being beautiful varies many feedback, if one is pleasing many would be attuned and mesmerized into. These also boost out a person's self every way beauty helps but if used wrongly its no longer a beauty rather immoral. Beauty combined with pureness of the heart and with simplicity sums up the true meaning of beauty.
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