5 Simple Ways To Test If You have Really clean skin

1. After washing your face every morning, cleanse with a gentle toner to get rid of deep-seated dirt.Be sure to use products that are formulated for your skin type to address your skin’s individual needs and avoid irritation.
2. When your skin feels oily during the day, resist the urge to apply pressed powder, which will just tend to cake up and suffocate skin. Instead, sop up oil with a face blotter, or spritz face with a refreshing facial mist (pat gently or wipe face clean, if needed).
3. Never ever go to sleep without washing the day’s grime off your face. Make sure you wipe off every last trace of oil and makeup with a good toner. Laziness is a pimple waiting to happen!
4. Once a week, use a mild exfoliant to slough off dead skin cells that may clog pores—but be careful not to overdo this, or you may irritate skin.
5. If you’re diligent about keeping your face clean, but still have pimples mushrooming on your cheek or chin, the culprit may be your mobile phone! Make sure you wipe it down daily with alcohol (who knows what filthy surfaces it has been on), and try not to let it touch your face when taking a call.Same goes for your hands—keep them clean and away from your face!


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